
Regarding Upcoming Turkey-themed Craft Night

M: Excited about seeing you, creepy turkey not withstanding. B: Right? That turkey is a fucking horror show. It looks panicked. M: Exactly the welcome you want on Thanksgiving. "Holy shit, run, they'll eat you" M: But, I think you have to say shit like that is cute. B: You can practically hear it screaming. B: Well yeah obviously I like it. Its horror amuses me. M: Maybe I've hung around the stupids too long. M: Seriously I like any craft that has the word waddle in it. B: If it were contagious we'd have been fucked a long time ago. M: It took me a few reads to understand that text. I liked all the possible interpretations.


Running Away

B: My hair's dirty so I'm wearing a hat. Does that say "cute mom" or "pathetic aging hipster"? M: Cute mom totally. I want to cry today with the thought of making another day happen. Sigh. I *might* want to run away. B: Fuck it. Let's Thelma and Louise this shit. I'm over it myself. M: Oh god I'm so in B: I'm not even going to check facts by rewatching the movie. We're freeballing this shit. And it will be AWESOME.